Monday, April 11, 2011

Combine to Flip Your Meaning

To "take a sh*t" means to get rid of it.  To "give a sh*t" means to care.  And on the topic of caring: "care giving" and "care taking" both mean similar things- not opposite things; although taking and giving are opposites.  So suddenly when we put two words together they mean something else entirely or quite the opposite than the words on their own.

In what other areas in our lives can we put two concepts together and get something else entirely?  I'm talking abstractly here.  For instance you like change, so you're always leaving.  Pair that with a transporting job- bringing goods from one place to another.  Now you're always arriving somewhere and bringing something the people there need for life to stay consistent.

Hmmm, anything you've been viewing as a negative that  you could combine with something else that could make it positive?

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